Holistic Healing Through Top-Notch Psychotherapy Services
Holistic Healing Through Top-Notch Psychotherapy Services
Thank you for your interest in Time Peace Wellness, LLC in De Pere, Wisconsin.
All-Around Counseling and Life Coaching Services
All-Around Counseling and Life Coaching Services
At Time Peace Wellness, LLC in De Pere, Wisconsin, I understand that challenges in life can come in different forms. Unlike other psychotherapists, my services focus on holistic healing. I believe that a person cannot achieve true happiness unless their mind, body, and spirit are all at peace. From trauma and anxiety problems, let me help you learn how to deal with your issues in life. Contact me for more information.
My Services
My Services

Counseling Services
Counseling Services
Time Peace Wellness, LLC provides holistic professional counseling services to meet your individual needs. My services focus on the mind, body, and spirit. The focus of traditional counseling (talk therapy) can be limited and doesn't work for everyone.
My approach is more inclusive and addresses the mind, body, and spirit to help accelerate healing and improve the chances for lasting progress. I believe that we all have the potential to create optimal health for ourselves. I have been providing outpatient counseling services for over 10 years and look forward to growing with you in my private practice!
Areas of Focus:
- Anxiety
- Chronic Pain
- Depression
- Health Issues
- Life Changes
- Post Traumatic Stress
- Relationships
- Stress
- Trauma
Therapy Approaches:
Art Therapy
- Brainspotting (see "services" drop down for more information
- Body/Mind/Energy Awareness Techniques
- Breathing Exercises
- Cognitive Behavioral
- EFT Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping)
- Guided Imagery and Visualization Processes
- Guided Meditation
- Mindfulness Practices
- Reiki
What can brainspotting address?
Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), emotional blocks along with enhancing your true self/authentic.
What is trauma?
Any life event which causes a person to feel very overwhelmed, helpless, or trapped, can become a “stuck” traumatic experience in the mind/body.
What is a brainspot?
A brainspot is the eye position that is found and held that holds the activation of a stuck traumatic experience. The goal of brainspotting is to activate, locate and process the brainspot until there is a release and related reduction in symptoms.
How does brainspotting work?
Brainspotting stimulates the brain’s inherent capacity to heal itself from trauma. The therapist works with the client to locate the brainspot, then attunes to the client. Therapist and client observe together with curiosity and mindfulness the traumatic event that is buried deep within memory. Finding a brainspot enables the “processing of the experience”.
The goal of this therapeutic process, or “focused mindfulness,” is the entire release of the blocked activation in the body and brain. This release stimulates a spontaneous healing process that starts in the deeper brain, or the unconscious. After a certain time of processing, the client can experience deep relief from the distress that has been held deep in the mind and body from past “stuck” experiences.
We believe that brainspotting taps into and harnesses the body’s natural self-scanning, self-healing ability. When a brainspot is stimulated, the deep brain appears to reflexively signal the therapist that the source of the problem has been found.
Brainspotting can also be used to find and strengthen our natural resources and resilience. Brainspotting is designed as a therapeutic tool that can be integrated into a many of healing modalities.

Coaching and Wellness
Coaching and Wellness
How we manage our health should be "proactive" and not "reactive. " I recognize that we all have the potential to create optimal health for ourselves, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Not just living happier more productive lives, but also to help promote longevity and reduce stress. I would love to work with you to achieve your wellness goals.
I believe we can all benefit from some level of life coaching. At times that might just be some well placed advice and other times it may include a more intensive step-by-step approach. Regardless of your place in life I believe I can help.